May 8

Family Mediation


Family disputes management by Court ruling has not been the best way to solve or relieve family issues. Mediation amends family itself from the inside and a third party (Mediator) will work along with them to reach a fair agreement between the parties involved and try to achieve social peacefulness within a framework like Canaries featured by a high litigation rate, according to statistics. Canaries Commonwealth has Act No. 15/2003 on family mediation, amended by Act No. 3/2005, dated June 23, and Family Mediation Act Regulations, passed by Decree No. 144/2007, dated May 24.

Regulations, passed by Decree No. 144/2007, dated May 24. We provide a Family Mediation expert, licensed and certified by Family Mediator Registration Office of Canary Island Government. Mediator enables communication between the disputing parties; watches over minor and handicapped individuals’ interests in separation procedures; keeps confidentiality and professional secret; is neutral and fair, and applies professional ethics to solve disputes on an out-of-court basis.